The Immigration Guy
The Immigration Guy combines Kyle Farmer's expertise and innovation on all topics regarding immigration with his quick wit and sense of humor. The podcast will feature guests in the agriculture, construction, and political realm. You can tune in every other Wednesday!
The Immigration Guy
That'll Do Immigration Guy Ft. Sawyer Whisler
Kyle chats with Sawyer Whisler of This'll Do Farm and the Barn Talk podcast about being a 6th generation farmer, having a YouTube channel centered around the farm, educating people on farming, and how to become a first generation farmer. Listen to hear more!
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Produced & Edited By: Drew Tattam
Welcome back to the Immigration Guy Podcast. Today we're sitting down with Sawyer Whistler of This'll Do Farm Sawyer is half of the father-son duo that runs. This'll do farm, a swine finishing operation in Iowa. He's a sixth-generation farmer and has amassed over 200,000 social media followers running a YouTube channel, documenting daily life on his family.
Swine Farm. Sawyer also hosts a weekly podcast called Barn Talk, which is actually really awesome, and if you. Listen to it, you certainly should. Uh, with his father Torque Whistler, where they aim to promote agriculture in a positive light. Welcome Sawyer and thank you for making time to join our show today.
Is there anything that I missed that you wanna share people?
Yeah. I really appreciate, uh, you are letting me come on. Uh, Kyle, it's nice to meet you and I mean, I don't really have much else. I mean, I guess I'm, I'm a farmer. I'm into the media thing. Uh, I also do some real estate with my brother. So really just kind of work in any angle I can.
Eventually make this thing viable for the seventh generation. So that's all else I can really say. Hey y'all, this is the immigration guy with Kyle Farmer.
You're a young guy. How old are you? I'm 22.
You're 22. Okay. Yeah, I, I saw one of y'all's videos where you said that, but I didn't know if that was, uh, I didn't know if you've had a birthday since then. Yeah, I thought you looked an awful lot. Like a 23 year
old. It's coming up to be. It's coming up. February 3rd is my birthday, so it's coming up.
Oh, nice. Soon. Yep. And then, this big old 20 my Jordan year. That'll be my Jordan year. Best year yet. Hopefully. Hopefully not your best
year ever though. Yeah, right, right. Uh, so you're a sixth-generation farmer. Yep. That's right. That's wild. So, what would that be? That would be your great, great, great grandpa.
Is that.
I'm. Yep, I'm sure. Well, it might be just my great, yeah, I think you're right. Three greats. Cuz my grandpa actually was 99 years old when he passed away. Who? And he had my dad when he was 50, 52. So my grandpa was the fourth, my dad's the fifth and I'm the sixth. And so That's wild. It is pretty wild.
People always think that, you know, my grandpa should have been my great grandpapa, you know, because he was so old. But he went through, and I mean, went through World War ii, was a P 51 Mustang pilot. Uh, came back, went into law school, became a lawyer, decided he hated law, and wanted to come back and farm.
And then he started a family. And, um, that's where my dad comes to play. And then my dad had me, and before that, uh, the Meeks are who settled our farm, um, in, in the 18 hundreds. And Samuel l Meek was the person that founded. and he had, I can't remember how many kids he had, but he had a lot when they had got married and started a family, he gave them a piece of the farm.
And where we live now is one of the pieces, the original pieces of, of the farm and where the Meeks transition into the Whistlers was. My grandpa's dad pf was his name was a college professor. And Stella Meek went to this college, and I guess had a little relationship with the college professor, and then PF came back and said, screw me in a professor.
I want a farm. Because Stella's, uh, husband or Stella's dad had passed away. So, there was no men on the farm. And the, the women, they didn't really want to farm. They didn't have much of an interest. Um, and, but people did. So that's where it transitioned. That's awesome. That was my grandpa's dad. Yeah. Oh, that's really cool.
And so, it, that's, that's also cool that it's the same continuous land for that long mm-hmm., because you could be a six-generation farmer on a, on a farm that's. Not completely kitchen. So, it's, it's pretty neat. Yep. Was it, was it hog farming back then, or was it, what was it back then? Do you know? No, I think it was just, well back then, I mean, I feel like it was kind of, you feed, feed yourself, you fed your family.
Like I, I looked at old pictures and they had beehives, they had chicken coops, they had pigs outside. They had cows, they had crops, they had a garden. You know, it was kind of like if you had a farm, everybody farmed back then, so you had to feed yourselves. You could probably sell a little bit up to the local market, but that was kind of how it was.
But when it started to, you know, get commercialized and our society kind of went more to the urban, you know, we all moved urban, most people did. Um, we moved into cities and stuff. The need for so many farmers was less and less. And that's where I think my grandpa really came to play. Uh, we started taking care of pigs, raising our own pigs.
in the, I think my grandpa started in the fifties and the barn we actually shoot our podcast in is where he kept his sows during the winter. Um, he built that barn in 1950 when he came back from the war. And then I think he started, um, fairing his own pigs and. finishing 'em out and selling them to the local, uh, hog buyer here in town.
And so, I think we started really, really raising pigs in my grand, the fourth generation. Um, but before that it was kind of like everybody just farmed everything, you know? So, yeah.
Yeah. That, that's, that's really cool.
Yeah, so now we just, we, we raise pigs, and we row crop, and that's kind of how it's been since my grandpa took over.
So how many acres do you farm? So, we row crop about 400 acres, so not a, not a crazy amount. Uh, the hog farming is, our bulk of what we do, and it's pretty much every day. Uh, so we have 4 2400 s on our farm. Uh, we raise about 20,000 pigs a year. We contract grow for a local integrator here in our, uh, in our area.
And um, and then we do the row crop operation as well. On top of that. The hog without the hog business, um, our family farm would not be viable if, if my dad, so my dad built three when I was growing up and I always thought that I was not gonna be, have the opportunity to farm because that, that number of acres won't sustain two generations.
Um, but as he built those hog barn, that, and I grew up, I started to see that, hey, I had something that I could come back and do and get into the operation right away. And then about two and a half years ago, I built my own 2,400 finisher. And so, we just kind of do it together and it's, it's helped us sustain.
where we are today, but that is o that's something that I definitely want to grow on our farm is our, uh, row crop operation. Corn and soybeans too. Yeah. Is what we grow. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. That, that's awesome. I think it's interesting, a lot of people, whenever they think about agriculture, I don't think that the common thought, uh, for most people's animal agriculture, at least like raising hogs, I mean that everyone's eating bacon seven times a day, and no one really knows or cares where the bacon comes.
Mm-hmm. And it is, it's kind of interesting to me because, you know, and I, I see this consistently whenever I see like, proposed regulation for changing, like labor laws as it relates to agriculture. The people that get the raw end of that deal, almost every single time are hog farmers. Like, it, it, it's consistent.
I, I look at it and I'm like, man, this would. Good for west coast berry farmers. Uh, this would be good for, yeah, I guess the same thing with, you know, Florida berry farmers and fruit and vegetable farmers. Uh, I could see, I could see an argument for some of that being good for those folks, but they never really take into consideration the whole middle area of, of the United States.
And something that you just pointed out, I think it's super interesting, which is y'all had. Presumably much larger family farm. At one point it got broken up into a bunch of different pieces, but that continues to be sustainable at this point because y'all shifted your focus from, you know, being just let me survive on this family farm to.
We're, we're row cropping, 400 acres, but more importantly, we're, we're able to raise livestock. Mm-hmm., and it's a, it's a big deal for farmers in, in Iowa and Nebraska and South Dakota and Illinois. That's, that's hog country and it's, it's really interesting. And then all the row crops also are there to support.
The animal agriculture. Yeah. And people just have no clue about it. They don't, yeah. It's amazing. I mean, one of the biggest things we see is on, you know, TikTok is so interactive as far as what comments you get and stuff. And just the other day there was a guy on a podcast talking to his friend and he pretty much was trying to convince the, his friend that.
The bacon that you see in every single grocery store across our great nation is some of it's gotta be lab grown cuz there's just no way there's that many pigs that. I produce that much bacon. Like there's no way that there's bacon in Wichita and then, then Austin, Texas, and then they fill all the grocery stores, and every single grocery store has bacon.
And I had to do, I had to duet that video and... Yeah, dude. Uh, this is how it is. There's, these are actual pigs. This is the real, this is pork. Like we raised 20,000 pigs a year, and there were not, like, we're not the minority in that. There are thousands upon thousands of US hog farmers out there that raised probably 20,000, 15,000, 35,000 pigs a year.
People just don't get it. Um, they don't realize. But that's, that's a big goal of what we, why we're doing what we're doing is to really showcase, number one, why it's important, but also how we do it. All the things that go into it so people can understand. Cuz, I think it's important for people to know where their food comes from.
Yeah. Yeah. I couldn't agree with you more. It, that is a pretty hilarious conspiracy theory, and I hope it's okay with you. I'm gonna be spreading that all over the place. I'm gonna be, I'm gonna make everyone in the world think, make everyone in the world think that the bacon that they're eating is, is. Is grown in a lab somewhere and then everyone in Iowa is gonna be like, no, it's not.
That's it. No, no, no. I, there's, there's a ton of hogs here, people. And so, is that what made you guys start your YouTube channel?
So I, to start, I was really focused on making some secondary income off the farm because the great thing about, um, The great thing about hog chores and just hog farming is if you get up and get your stuff done in the morning, you got, you got some good amount of time in the afternoon to focus on some other things that you need to get done.
And, um, I was just, when I was young 18, getting right into the farm, you know, I was taking care of these barns, but I had to figure out something else to do. I, I felt like I needed to figure out something else to do to bring some value to what we were doing and. So social media was kind of always a part of me, of my upbringing.
You know, I grew up with the digital age and I saw kind of the opportunity with it. You know, I saw the amount of impact you could have, the amount of money you could make, uh, the amount of value you could bring to people. And I was just kind of trying to figure out what I was gonna be known for, you know, on social media cuz it's great you can learn everything about it, but what are you gonna post?
And, uh, I, I figured out the fundamentals, but then I finally saw somebody showing their day-to-day life as a farmer, but really on the grain farming side. And then I looked around, there was more and more people doing that. You know, there were some cattle guys doing that, but nobody was doing the modern day, uh, hog farmer.
No one was showing that life. And so that was kind of like, Hey. This is me in on social media. I need to just start and go. And so definitely, uh, trying to make a little bit of side income was a big part of it. But as I got into doing it, and you get some of those shittier comments and you start to really see how many, how little people actually know that that drives me too, because I do want to promote what we do in a positive way.
I don't. Propaganda to tell people how it is when it actually is this way. You know, I just wanna give people the true perspective of what we do. every day and not have to go, not form their opinion based off one propaganda video, but they can come and actually see what goes on. Because we really try to be 100% transparent with what we do.
Like that's one of our taglines is 100% transparent farming. Cuz, we put it all out there, we load pigs, we sort pigs, we move pigs, we pull pigs, we show everything. And I think that's just important for that reason. So, it's become kind of a passion., it's kind of become our second like thing we really think of about what, why we do what we do.
First was the income. Yeah. But the second reason was, you know, promote our industry in a positive light.
So that's really cool. So, what, what's something that most people want to think about being a, a farmer in the hog industry?
I think there's two things that I wanna touch on. First would be that I think a lot of people look at our system and they want to tell us that we're not sustainable and we're not environmental, environmentally friendly or whatever.
You know, we're not green. But people really don't realize how one green our system already is, but how hard we're working towards getting to be carbon neutral, like all the way on, especially the hog farming side. Because at this moment, you know, right now we, we grow the corn in our fields. and the soybeans.
We take that, we grind it up, and we feed it to the pigs. The pigs, you know, take a shit, goes in the pits, take that poop, put it on the field, grow the next crop, and it's just that cycle, you know, it just goes round and round and round, and I feel like that's pretty green. We use, that's our manure, that's our fertilizer.
And we just do that year after year. But the other thing that I think the other ways I think we're, we're trying to be more sustainable is we're, we have solar on all our hog barns besides mine, but I'm looking to get solar on mine. and that's been just phenomenal through the summer months, the fall, even the spring, like right now, it's, it's not the greatest, but we really haven't had that bad of a winter this year.
But solar's been huge for us. We're trying to use less power and we've seen some great, uh, benefits to solar and we're trying to get it across our whole farm, but a new technology that I don't think people. know that's coming is manure separation. So, people are trying to develop technology to take the manure because there's so much water in that manure.
You know, the, the value is in the solids of the manure, but they also, you know, there's water in there, so they're trying to take the manure, extract the manure from the pit of the barn, separate it from the water, so it's just a solid. Just the solids and then recycle that water back into the, into the barn for the pigs to drink.
They're, they're gonna try and get it to be drinkable again. And then you just have, that's cool. And there, there again you won't have, people want us to talk about runoff and how manure runs off. Well, if it's all solid, you won't have that problem anymore. Or recycling all the water. We have solar on our, on our barns.
And, uh, you're just, it. I think that there's gonna come a point., we're gonna be pretty carbon neutral as an industry, which is pretty cool to think. And then quick other thing that I, I don't think people really realize is I don't think people really realize that livestock die. Uh, I think that's something that people don't understand unless you're in it.
Uh, you know, pigs die, turkeys die. Chicken do dies. Uh, cattle die. Um, each species is a little different on how often it happens. Obviously, cattle, they don't die probably as often as a Turkey. But it happens. And, uh, you know, I just don't think people really understand that. I mean, we're not, we're at any given time.
We have 10,000 pigs on our farm, so the, the likelihood of us walking into one of our barns and there being a dead pig is pretty likely in one day. Right. You know, that happens. You're just gonna have that, and I mean, people will ask, well, how often does it happen? I'd say on any given. You probably have a death loss of two to 3%, five if they're, you know, if they have a, they have an ailment or a disease going around, you know, but it's very minimal, but it happens.
And um, that's the reality of being a hog farmer or being any livestock farmer. You're gonna have that happen. And we've, we've made a video on our channel actually showcasing this, but we used, uh, a dummy, we made a dummy with like paper bags and put 'em in coveralls and put a hat on, hat on him. Called him Leroy Jenkins.
And we just told people, pretend he is a dead pig, and we'll show you what the process is when we find one and get 'em out. So, we're pretty transparent with everything, but there you kind of have to, obviously nobody wants to. A dead animal, so we're not gonna show that. But, uh, I just, yeah, I think that's something that, cuz I think people were pretty surprised at that, uh, that that happens.
You know, if you're not in it, you don't really know.
Yeah. I always find the environmental standpoint thing, I always find the assertion that farmers are not environmentally., uh, to be one of the most asinine because they are the ones that are already making their money from the land. Mm-hmm., like, if something's good for their land, they already want to do it right.
And they're incentivized by it. They don't need people screaming at 'em to become more environmentally conscientious. That's not, that's not helpful. It's driven because they make their living off of their land, so they need their land to be fruitful. And so, they do things to promote that. And so, it's like everything that you just mentioned, it's like, yeah, that's not all, those initiatives are not gonna be driven by people screaming at you with a, with a picket sign.
They're gonna be driven because you want your kids to be able to run your farm. And it's so that that's something that is, I completely agree with you. And I think is, is really crazy. And yeah. That, that's, uh, the point about animal sting that I just, whenever I pictured you building the, the dummy, that's pretty funny.
You, you build the dummy, you gotta move a dead pig outta the way to move the, to build the dummy. But that's funny. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's cool. Yeah, I agree. And I think what, what you said there too, I think a lot of farmers are legacy oriented. We definitely are. Mm-hmm. and like, it's a hundred percent what you said.
We want this land to continue to be here. So, our practice is, we're, we're, we're, we're learning, you know, we're not perfect. We're trying to learn new ways to adapt, to make things better just like everybody else. And if that means making this more viable for my kids and their kids. I'm gonna do that to the land.
Like that's important to me. So, yeah, I, I appreciate your perspective on that cuz most people don't understand.
that. What, what's the largest factor that you think would. Help you pass your farm onto a, a seventh generation?
Uh, I would say acquiring more, more barns and more land. That would be the thing, that would help us out the most.
Really, it's, it's, it's the, it's grow or die, essentially. That's where we are in agriculture today. I mean, you can make it on a small scale, but you really have to have a brand, uh, to do it, I think. But yeah, it's, we're at the point now where we have to grow. I know we have to grow to make it viable for my kids to sustain a generation or two generations or three generations, you know, uh, you just have to grow or you're gonna die.
So, it's like I said, you know, making money off a farm is a really good way. You know, produce income to help grow the farm because, I don't know, dad and I were really trying our hardest to pay down debt and we want to acquire more. So, we're trying to figure out ways to make money by not taking away from our farm, keeping that in the farming business and just compounding that.
Cuz, I mean, that's the reality. Yeah. Any business, take a little, take a little away from., you're gonna be able to acquire more stuff because you just, you have more capital to, to deploy. So, uh, that's where we, where we're at. We, I think we just have to grow or die. And so, you, I'm doing everything I possibly can think of to help bring in some more income, bring in some more capital to live on, or to throw back into the farming business to get things to grow.
Yeah. So, it is that that's, that's a cool thing to focus on. And it is interesting to me that farmers are so legacy focused, but I think that they kind of have to be, because I don't know about you, I don't. I've met a heck of a lot more sixth generation farmers than I have first generation farmers.
Mm-hmm. It's just, it's, it's not really a thing where people are leaving their job now mm-hmm., uh, to go buy a hog farm in southeast Iowa. and then starting from scratch is just not a thing. Right. So it is, uh, yeah, you want people to be in, on the farm, you're gonna have to pass it down to 'em.
Yeah. It's, it's hard.
It's just so hard to get in. Uh, it's, it's really, it's a hard industry to start in. You really have to make, you really have to make your money, I believe., you have to make some money to get into farming if you're gonna be a first generation. It's just the reality of it. Like yeah, it's so capital intensive that it's just so hard to start.
It's possible because I know a few guys that have made it possible. But yeah, it's, I, I, I, when I first jumped into the farm, like what made me want to get in the farm was, you know, I really didn't want. to squander the opportunity that was laid out in front of me, like 1% Americans get to farm. That statistic alone is just like, I'm so lucky that I'd be able, I, I, I even have the opportunity to do this.
You know what I mean? Yeah. And. Yeah. I think, I think that's really a big thing in a lot of farmer's brain is cuz they, they know if you lose it, it's really hard to get it back. It's really hard.
to get it back. Yeah. Yeah. And I, I'm sure that, that's more common than we would want to see because they're, you know, you're dealing with family a lot of times.
Mm-hmm. And so, things happen in families were, uh, just internal conflicts, results in the, the loss of the farm. And that's a, that's a tragedy. Yeah. Uh, one thing that we deal with all the time is with labor, and we supply a lot of labor to, to hog farmers and, uh, basically people in the livestock vertical.
Uh, what do you do now to find labor? Oh, run your own. So, this is, this is something that's pretty interesting. Um, you know, we really don't need much higher. Uh, right now if we grow to be bigger, I think we will. But right now, it's just dad and I kind of doing it. And then we have some hired help during the fall, uh, from we have, we have a guy that custom farms for us, custom combines, custom plants, stuff like that, and we help out.
So, uh, right now it's not, it's not really needed. But I will tell you, us doing the social media thing, you would be, very surprised at how many resumes we get because of people seeing our Oh, really? Oh my gosh. I mean, comments. Can I work for you? I wanna work here. You guys look fun to work with Yadi, you know, just plenty of it.
And they're from South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, some in America. I mean, I told Dad you. When the time does come, we got some pretty good candidates that I'm like, wow, this is, like, they're impressive. Like we just got an email the other day from a, a guy from South Africa, that best resume I've seen. He can, he can run all different kinds of tractors, can run a combine.
He's having this experience with cows, this experience with pigs, he names, he listed it all and I was like, this would be a good guy to have on the farm. And I, I think that's something that, you don't really realize when you get into social media that that's gonna come. But we have totally seen that come. So, e even if your, if your goal is as a farm, not to really make money with social media, even the ROI of recruiting is so we've seen is awesome.
Just by posting what we do, um, people are interested. That's interesting. I noticed you didn't mention a whole bunch of American resumes coming.
Yeah, it's, it's, it's less, definitely less than, uh, foreign resumes for sure. Uh, yeah, a lot of South Africans and a lot of Mexicans, Hispanics, they send in their, um, they send in their resumes a lot.
So, and I, I, I want to tell 'em Yeah, come work here, but it's just like, we don't have, we don't have the work for you right now.
Yeah. And I always think that that's so interesting cuz people like, you know, so what we do is we basically find foreign labor, connect him or her with an employer and then facilitate the immigration process to get them over here legally.
And it's always interesting to me because people that are not involved with. They would think that if you wanted to find Americans to do this work that you could, and I, I tell people all the time, I'm like, you are off base. You like you are completely wrong. But there are people that wanna do the jobs, which is what makes it so good is like, you're you, you don't have to sacrifice.
Uh, American Jobs to get these people over here cuz Americans don't want the jobs. But then when these people do come, they're grateful for it. They're highly qualified and they make all the difference in the world. And so, it is kind of a, it, it is kind of interesting, but I just thought it was funny when you were listening to different locations that you didn't ever, you didn't ever say that so and so from Washington wants to come and work for you.
Yeah, it's pretty rare. I mean, we always make the comment of, you know, kids are just, they're Americanized. people in America, they get Americanized, and they don't want to do the, the physical labor and I, you know, to eat, you know, it's, it's your, it's your, it's your life. Do what you want. But somebody's gotta do the job.
Somebody's gotta, I mean, we, somebody's gotta take care of those pigs every day. And so, we're, we're open to any. Anybody from anywhere if they know how to do it and they're willing to learn, we're willing to hire them, hire them when the time is right. So yeah, that's where we're, yeah.
So, what advice or closing thoughts would you give to young professionals trying to enter this industry?
Oh man. Into, into farming. Trying to become a first gen farmer, you think? Is that, I mean, yeah, that's kind of the industry I feel. Yeah. Um, it's back to kind of what I said. I know a guy that, um, started a YouTube channel just solely playing the game farming simulator. His name's Grant Hilbert. Um, and he made enough money from his YouTube channel to, uh, fund his first-generation farm that he started, and he also put some money into other things that helped him.
you know, buy that first, uh, piece of ground. But he started farming first generation, and he's an example of making money off, off the farm, making a lot of money off the farm, and then getting into farming before, like trying to get into it and make your money from farming, then trying to buy. But I think there's some, there's some examples of some other guys that have been able to do that model.
uh, they find, they do, they do the nitty gritty work. I mean, there's, there's plenty examples out there. There's a guy named Gavin Spore, um, from Missouri, and he's a popcorn farmer and he sells his popcorn direct to consumer, and he's a first generation and, uh, you know, there's, there's some other guys that do it too, but my opinion.
I think go it. The opportunities we have in today's society to make money are pretty plentiful. Plentiful. And, um, I, if I was trying to be a first-generation farmer, I would try to make my money somewhere else and then try to get into farming, uh, because., it's just tough to make a buck working for somebody else as a hired man and then trying to get ground and where land prices are today.
Like if we, in our area, if you buy a piece of ground and you gotta, you gotta go take a loan for it, you're not gonna, you're not gonna cash flow anything. Yeah. I mean that's just the reality. And I mean, rent's getting cash. Rent's so high now too, that, you know, if you're a first gen guy trying to rent some ground, even then, I don't know if you'll.
Money after the year's up. So, it's just tough. It's tough. The, the margins are thin. They're thin, and, um, so I, I would recommend making money before, uh, getting into farming. I'd recommend marrying a farmer's daughter. Or yeah, you can marry outta the play book. Get the play book out., that's, that's always a good option too.
Uh, this, this look up get going is scrambling. Type in hashtag farmer's daughter and you know, maybe you can find some recruits that way.
Yeah, there's gotta be someone there. Uh, what's the best way for, for listeners to connect?
Yeah, so you can follow us on all platforms or under This'll do farm and then our podcast Barn Talk is on all major streaming platforms.
We're also on YouTube for, we have a, the video version of the podcast. Um, and then we're also on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook for the Barn Talk podcast too. I'm on LinkedIn personally at, you know, soy whistler and um, Instagram soy whistler. So, there's a lot of ways you can find me if you just, if you, if you dig.
So, reach out and I'll try my hardest to get back to you. Awesome.
Well cool. Well, we appreciate, appreciate it, Sawyer. It was really good to get to meet you.
Yeah. I really appreciate you guys having me on. Kyle, it, it was a fun and uh, yeah, thanks for having me. Good to meet you.
Thank y'all for listening to the Immigration Guy Podcast.
We really appreciate it. You can find us on our website, go to www.farmerlawpc.com. You can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter. Just search at Kyle Farmer, FLPC. You can find our law firm on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. All you have to do is search for a Farmer Law PC. Go ahead and subscribe to download all the episodes of our podcast.
You can download 'em and listen to 'em whenever and wherever you want. Uh, we'll be releasing new episodes every Wednesday on Spotify, apple Music, Stitcher, which is apparently a real thing. Amazon Music, Google, and wherever else you get your podcast. This is not legal advice, so any information that you get from this podcast should not be taken.
If you are looking for legal advice, you should consult with a competent attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Uh, if you wanna schedule a consultation, just go ahead, and use the link in the description of this episode. Thank you.