The Immigration Guy
The Immigration Guy combines Kyle Farmer's expertise and innovation on all topics regarding immigration with his quick wit and sense of humor. The podcast will feature guests in the agriculture, construction, and political realm. You can tune in every other Wednesday!
The Immigration Guy
Using Core Values as a Strategic Business Plan
At our Labor Summit in Boerne, TX, Kyle sits down with a few industry friends to chat about how core values can build and grow a business. We don't forget about having a bit of fun and telling Kyle he isn't the best hunter.
Email intake@farmerlawpc.com if you're interested in attending the next Labor Summit hosted by Farmer Law PC.
We know, the immigration system is messy! It’s complicated and confusing, especially for those looking to gain a visa or hire foreign workers. Farmer Law PC’s Immigration Guy, Kyle Farmer, knows all of the tricks of the trade. The firm specializes in innovative immigration solutions, some of which you’ll get to hear about on this podcast. Tune in for commentary on immigration-related news and industry insights, and The Immigration Guy’s thoughts on much more!
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Produced & Edited By: Drew Tattam
Welcome back to the Immigration Guy Podcast. Happy freaking Wednesday. So, we have spent the last few days doing a, a Summit at Joshua Creek in Texas. We were just shooting some birds, lots, and lots of birds. Most of us were, Edwin and Trey were not, but we were, uh, shooting a lot of clays too. That was good time.
Hey all. This is the Immigration Guy with Kyle Farmer.
We actually have some guests with us today. Uh, and I'm gonna actually let them just go around and introduce themselves so y'all can do that. We can start with y'all. Yeah.
Yeah. Glad to be here. My name is Corey, chief of staff. Summit Contracting outta South Dakota. Uh, enjoy a relationship with Farmer Law.
They're a great partner to us.
Hello, I'm Jared Hutchins. I'm, uh, president of Summit Contracting in Platt, South Dakota. We are an agricultural construction company, uh, utilize farmer law a lot for our, uh, visa work program and appreciate being here and, uh, and. Learning a bunch from, from this group of, uh, talented individuals.
This is Brandon from Southern Indiana and it's just been a fantastic time out here with, with Kyle and Farmer Law. They've been great host and have made a great time of this event, and I appreciate you kicking Edwin and Trey's ass in our last round of sporting place. That was excellent today. I think that we have, uh, I, I mean I don't think that we've got any specific agenda, but we do have serious conversations to be had.
I guess we could talk about maybe some of the biggest struggles that we face in our business. I think that's kind of a nice topic cuz people can relate to it. I know for us with. with a lot of growth cuz we had, we've had a lot of growth over the last few years. A lot of it has been systemizing processes and actually teaching people those processes.
Cuz that's just been a, it's been a tough thing. And you, we've had, with all of our people, they have to have a lot of adaptability, which can be really tough to people, especially when they're not wanting to be adaptable. So that's a pretty common thing for us to, and, and I, I, I guess to, to address that issue, we've.
Be open with people during their interviews that they're gonna need to be adaptable, they're gonna need to be good, uh, and integrating new processes and procedures. And, uh, that's been, I think that's been helpful. Kind of letting people jump in with their eyes wide open. I don't know if that's something that y'all have ever dealt with.
Kyle, I think that's, uh, part of growth when you're fortunate to be in a business world that's growing, obviously the growth, the policies, and procedures. Communicating the work expectations of what wants to be done as your company grows. Uh, making sure everybody has an understanding of what needs to be done and, uh, you know, you always have your peoples that originally started your company.
And, uh, you know, the, the biggest thing we always say that holds the company back is, well, that's the way we've always done it. Yeah. When, when you start saying, well, that's the way we've always done it really limits your thought for change. And it, it's easy to do the way you've always done it. We have 20 employees.
Yeah. But when you push any employees, you really gotta get those policies and procedures into place.
Yeah. One thing I've appreciated about you guys, and what we've kind of just tried to stick to is just add through your growth, sticking to your, um, core culture, your, your core values and growing organically through that and, uh, and just helping people in your business and, uh, the, the families that come along with it, similar to what you guys are doing is something that, that.
Prided ourselves upon and uh, yeah. Has allowed us to, to grow in these, in these times when some businesses aren't.
Yeah. Well, I appreciate that. Yeah. It, it's, it's also, it's kind of funny cuz a lot of times whenever we're hiring new people, like one of my main things is about responsiveness. Like responsiveness to clients, communication, and email really particular about the ways.
Like you might, I don't know if you've ever noticed, but people in our law firm, they email how I email, like they, they talk how I talk. And that's, that's deliberate because sometimes when we get people who just seem like total tools on email, like, and they, they, you get on the phone and they're, they're just nice as can be.
But it is just kind of funny because a lot of times their, their personality's not the same on email. And so, I gotta tell 'em like, hey, maybe don't, maybe don't sound like such an ass on email. And then there, they're pretty receptive of it, but it is, uh, kind of paying attention to those things that, that matter.
Well, I, I'd love to comment on that. Just something I've always appreciated, Kyle, just when we're dealing with labor and immigration especially, you made a comment a couple times the last couple of days that, you know, people hear things that maybe you didn't. Specifically portray, right? Like they Oh yeah.
They hear what they want to hear. Yeah. And then they will respond with a maybe off-color email. Yeah. And um, what I've always appreciated about you guys is that you just grabbed the phone and call 'em right up and say, hey, uh, let's just talk through this instead of finding an email back and doing that for.
Three or four or five emails like, hey, let's have phone conversations. Let's have a real adult conversation, figure out what is, what is going on here? What's the issue? And here's, here's the message that needs to be said versus whatever you heard earlier,
Yeah, it is, uh, it's always funny. I, I think one thing I'm learning is that farmers don't like email.
I think that's, uh, that's not their means of communication. If you could do it from a tractor, they'd like it a lot more, but I don't think they like doing it that way.
It's definitely been impressive as somebody that's looking at the services Farmer Law provides and seeing how advanced and strategic, they are in their communication.
And then hearing that from somebody that has worked with you guys for a number of years, even. As recently as we exchanged some emails and, and there was even a video of Kyle, kinda a 45 second video, and that's the kind of stuff I would expect from these, these huge companies such as an Amazon and things of that nature, a personalized message from the founding attorney.
But to see that farmer law is doing that and you can tell that it's not happening by mistake, it's very intentional that it's happen. and it, and it's consistent. It's not just one off here and there. So, um, definitely as somebody that is exploring it, you, you see that and you see that it is on purpose and its planned and, and also hearing it from some of your current clients, it's definitely reassuring.
I appreciate that. Yeah, that's a good comment.
Brandon. Um, boy, yeah, we've been, been with other agents in the past through this process that we've been, been through and. Yeah, we're not here necessarily to, uh, to, to Kyle's horn. But, um, by all, um, certainly, well, I'm starting to sweat, like certainly, um, what they've built and what they've grown is, is following that up and that communication is all about it.
Cuz it's a, it's an uncomfortable process, right? I mean, we are, we're diving into things that we all don't know, but you guys do. And getting through that process is just help us figure it out. Help us communicate through it. Help us know. To expect. Yeah. And, uh, and that's, that's been the most reassuring thing about it.
And, and how many team members, roughly, you're looking at Farmer Law, you're looking at somewhere between maybe 50 and a hundred.
Yeah, we've got about 60 in Austin and about 25 in Mexico. Well, and that's, I don't know. We'll have to take a look and. See how many listens we have to this thing. But I think a lot of the people listening are probably, um, some of those folks, cuz, cuz Kyle was getting his numbers up and, and, uh, I'm hoping it's over seven.
I, I'm pretty sure that everyone listening's in this room. Well, I, I, if any of the people for the company are listening to this and, and we had a chance to meet this weekend, um, Kyle was talking earlier. Uh, whenever he interviews somebody for his company, he looks if they're gonna be a fit for the culture.
And that's something that, that we're also trying to do. It's not really easy to do in, in, um, agriculture with the labor market we have right now, but in an ideal world, you would build, and you would hire for culture, and you would let the other items fall where they may, because if you get the culture right, then it works.
Uh, kind of like we described you, you stick a, you put a stick in the spoke of a wheel, and it's really going to do some damage. So, um, I, I think you guys have managed to keep your bicycle like a well-oiled machine and, and it shows whenever we come here. So, I, I don't want Kyle's head to get too big. If you're somebody that works with Kyle, you've been very impressive this week and you've always.
Very impressive to me. Thank you. I, I appreciate that, that I, I, that, uh, Kyle's been very impressive as well. But yeah, it takes a, it takes a village and it, and it shows.
Oh yeah. We've all been very clear that Edwin really runs Kyle. No, that's definitely true. Yeah. No, I, I take pride in being the least impressive person in our law firm.
That's a, you know, that, uh, but, and that's interesting what you said, Brandon. What do. What do y'all do, I guess, to like identify culture? Well, we've got morals and values that go and, um, whenever you're in agriculture, stewardship is gonna be a big part of it and the way that we use the resources in a way that's sustainable and, and we've also gotta care for our neighbors because in agriculture, um, you're gonna be around him for a long time and having a good relationship with a neighbor can make or break a company when times get tough and you'll need that.
So. That's definitely the type of culture you, you mentioned farmers don't like emails. We definitely get tied up in that sometimes. I know where I work, we, we often like to handle business with a phone call. Cause that way you can get the tone or in person is best because yeah. You know, 70% of that, um, communication is nonverbal.
So, technology is great and, and it does allow a lot to get achieved in a short amount of time and a simple email to a group of people. Can, can really improve the communication and get the message out, but at the same time, real business is still done, uh, with the shake of a hand and a look in the eye.
Yeah, I think that's actually what I like about agriculture. I, I think that's kind of the thing I've always liked about ac there's a similarity between agricultural companies and construction companies, and that's that generally the, the people in those businesses are such authentic, genuine, and that doesn't mean that they're always nice, like you'd, cuz that's not the case.
Like they, they've got a lot of passion for what they do and sometimes, you know, they might get frustrated., they're honest. And that's a good, a really good thing in, in clients. It's one thing I absolutely love is, uh, that I think that our clients are actually honest. Like, if they're not happy about something, they're not gonna sit around in their office and tell each other about it.
They're gonna call you and tell you about it, which is great. Like, and you can't make everyone happy all the time, but, uh, you can do your best. But at the end of the day, it's, it's not possible. But what you can do is you can hear 'em out and see if it's something that you can actually address or not, which, so awesome.
You may not always be able to be nice to 'em, but you can certainly always be honest to 'em and yeah, and I can definitely agree that in agriculture that it ain't always gonna be nice and, and, and there's a time and place for that. And as, as somebody in the HR department and working with our people and what we do with the culture there, um, I definitely can confirm that that nice is not always there.
And sometimes it's appropriate one of our, uh, core values when you're speaking with that, one of our core values is, It ain't always sunny. Right. And we use that as a figurative in il literary term, because yeah, it's in South Dakota and rural agriculture, it's uh, it's not always 70 and sunny and, uh, easy working conditions.
But in, as we're working through things in, in business, sometimes things just don't go Right. Right. We're navigating through interesting times within our economy, our, uh, um, our industry. And so, it's just, it ain't always sunny. Yeah. So, you just gotta, you. Put a smile on your face. Come, come to wake up every day and go to work and, uh, and get through it and make the best of it.
So, yeah. Actually, I think we touched on that today when we were talking, Kyle, about you, your GROWTH acronym for your core values. And like Jared just mentioned, Ari, it's not always sunny is, uh, one of our four big core values and it's so important when you're hiring or building a. That you never compromise on those values.
Um, that's exactly right. We, we, we talk about all the time when we're hiring is, uh, we'll delay a hire for months to make sure that we don't panic higher and bring the wrong person onto our team. We talk about it all the time. We just painstakingly stick to those core values once you, once you leave them in a world where people are competing so much for labor, I think the one thing that separates really good companies from the one that don't hire as.
those people that are willing to not get inpatient and just stick to their core values and know what's important to them and their company. And yeah. Your GROWTH acronym and as Jared mentioned, our core values, that's so important to stay the course.
Sometimes, uh, while we're competing for that labor, just, I noticed, I was reading back of your shirt today, Kyle, just, you know, we're, you're working, we're working through immigrant labor.
Right, right. And that's, that's a lot of why we're here and to., we're all in need of labor. We're all in need of resources to help build our businesses that unfortunately we can't find locally. So we are, we're relying on visa resources and learning more about that today. And something I appreciated about just what's written on the back of your shirts, it's, it doesn't matter.
Your origin doesn't matter. Your, uh, your color of skin, it doesn't matter any of that. It is, we're, we're all going to work. We're all doing things for ourselves and ours. I appreciated that. Just I read that on the back of your shirt today, and I thought that was just super cool that we're just trying to build our businesses and we're trying to build other people's, um, families and, you know, they're, they're trying to do something for themselves also.
And I just appreciate the individuals that come to our country and, uh, and work here. and do what they do cuz they work so many months away from their families. And it's hard. It's, it's hard work. I, I can't imagine being from my family for that long time. Yeah. And then going through and learning about the green card process that we have the last couple of days and how we're able to make that life, you know, that's an American dream that a lot of people were always talking about.
And it was like, and seriously when I looked back your shirt today, I was like, yeah. It honestly kind of gave me, gave me some chills. Like, this is why we're doing this. Right? Yeah. Um, we're, we're building. We're building dreams for people. Um, we're building our own businesses and we're building something that's really great to be proud of.
And it doesn't matter who you're, where you come from, the color of your skin, it doesn't matter any of that, that you're, if you're willing to come here and go to work, there's a place for you here, and we're gonna figure out how to get you here. Yeah. And that's, I thought that was just pretty neat. I, I, I'm glad that you noticed my shirt.
That's cool. Yeah. I love my job because it is, it's so cool to me. You know, our, our whole thing is we, what the core of our business. We match employees that are desperate for employers with employers that are desperate for employees. Like that's, that sums it up in a sentence. And I think that that's really cool, you know, that that's actually what I'm so passionate about and it's something that I reflected on, and I've told my team, the thing that always motivates me, cuz people always ask me interviews like, what do you like about this?
Honestly, I like immigration. Like the, the immigration as a, as a topic, as the law. That part is not actually that exciting to me. just pick it up with one hand. Otherwise, that joke is gonna not only be with shared, and you got little hands too, old hands too. It's terrible. Uh, but anyway, so yeah, you know, I, I've, I've.
Our employees about this, that I have a lot of passion for job creation like, and like stable, consistent, reliable jobs. And a lot of that comes from financial struggle of my own. Like whenever I was young, my mom was in real estate. And so, 2008 was like really bad for us. And then after 2008, uh, into college, I, I worked full-time through college, uh, and I, I'd worked in law school and I, the whole time I was just like, all, the whole, the whole thing that was pushing me was I just want a consistent job.
That I can rely on, that my family can rely on. That's literally the only thing I want. And so that was actually one of the main reasons that we, me and my wife transferred from Baylor to Vanderbilt. Cuz, cuz I was thinking Vanderbilt's one of the, uh, top law schools in the country. For sure. I'll be able to find a job out of law school, but God has other plans because I've applied to a whole bunch of, I have a whole bunch of jobs and I got none of them. Uh, but luckily my, uh, my father-in-law needed some help with his immigration work. He has a, a construction company and in the Midwest. And so, we went and we, we helped them with their immigration work and it kind of like snowballed from there just into different, different industries and, uh, different, just different verticals where we were able to solve the problem.
but it was actually earlier this year where I was really thinking about it, like, what, why do I actually like this so much? Like, what, what about this is so fun for me? And there's, there's the employer side of it where I love having clients that have a problem. Uh, and they, and I love that we have this toolbox of immigration where we can solve the problem.
And, and so I, I love that, but I also really, really love the fact. Through that, we're able to create a lot of jobs internally within our law firm. I think that it's so. That I don't have to worry that next pay cycle. I'm not gonna be able to pay my people. I, I, I love that. I think that that's the coolest thing in the world to me, and that every time I get to hire someone else, I think, God, that's cool.
That's a new job that's created because of what we're doing here. That is the coolest thing in the world to me. And but then there's also the actual impact for, for like you guys like., you're creating jobs. You're, you have, you have work, you have people that are hungry for work. You have people that want to do this and we're able to help get them here.
That's freaking cool. And then they send that money back to their families. They're able to have consistent, reliable jobs. That's awesome. And then because of those people, the implications of that are there's a lot of jobs that Americans want, cuz there's a lot of the jobs Americans don't want. That's, that's why immigrants come over.
and that, that's why that job's available to immigrants is cuz Americans don't want it because of their work. It creates jobs that Americans do want. The, the HR, the, the accounting that, that is so freaking cool to me the impact that, that kind of, uh, work can have in terms of creating consistent, reliable jobs, because I know what it's like tonight and so that's a, that's just a sweet thing to me.
You know, Kyle talking about that, you know, your point is, Correct. Because in a small town where we live in rural South Dakota, if we can bring 30 workers on a visa into rural South Dakota and a town of 1700 people, 30 workers there for nine months, the impact that that has on our, not only to create jobs within our community, but the local grocery store or the local convenience store, or just the positive impact that that has is just profound.
Yep. And the ability to do. and we're so proud in the business that we've grown in Platt, South Dakota, that we can bring in those workers and we can help other businesses within our town grow. Yeah. By bringing in workers that you provide us. Um, they, you know, I, I told you yesterday in conversation, our local grocery store has a section just for our local workers Yeah.
That you bring in. That's so awesome.
It is awesome. And it, it is really an impact bigger than most people think. And if you get shortsighted, you can lose sight of, of how that impacts our small town. Where Jared and I live that that's a huge deal in a town of 1700 people.
Yeah. It's a really big deal.
It feels good when those local businesses are like, hey, when's, uh, when's Reto coming back?
When's coming back? Hey, you know, when one of the guys from South Africa coming back, South Africa coming back, you know, because they're, they're good guys. They're, they're, uh, polite and respectful in our community. Um, and the, the local businesses know them, appreciate them, and they know when they leave, and they know when they come back.
Right. So, for us, when, when those, when those individuals are. And then we walk in there and, and Tom, convenience source says, hey, when's Reto come back? You know, I haven't seen a smile for a while. Yeah., that's kind of cool to, kind of cool to see that. It's kind of neat that they have, like, they leave a community.
Yeah. They get to your community and then they become part of your community. Yeah. It is cool. That's, that's a cool thing. How many, how many clients do you guys have? Do you have any ideas? It's probably hard track at this point. It is hard to keep track. I, it is well over a hundred. I don't. Y'all were, y'all were probably one of the first 10.
Yeah., I would tell you top 10. The re top 10. That's right. The reason I asked that is a hundred percent a leading question because, uh, you know, I, I've said to some of your staff before is, uh, I know you guys have grown exponentially since we started working with you, but the thing I appreciate so much is every time I reach out to your team is I really feel like we're your only client.
Um, just, just last week I think it was, I had a, uh, a conference call in the H-2B process. Mm-hmm. and. I thought I was just doing a conference call and reaching out to one person through the conference call. I jump on the, the zoom meeting or whatever it was, and there's six-year individuals there to answer my questions.
I thought, holy cow. Now this is a team that committed to getting us the right answer. I thought I was gonna talk to one person and then so, you know, I was gonna talk about H-2Bs, but then I could bounce around the room, and I think Gabryella and I talked about some green card stuff, and so just to have a.
And have six-year people that are committed to answering our questions. Yeah. Knowing everything that you really have to have going on. Yeah. That's just super impressive. And in our small world, that's, that's a big deal. Yeah. Well, I, I certainly appreciate that. That's something that we, uh, certainly strive for.
So, thank you for saying that. Last couple days have been good just, uh, learning through the H-2A, H-2B, H-1, TN visas. You know, I am realizing that. Options there to, to navigate through. And it's certainly things to navigate through a lot of, lot of things to think about, a lot of things to figure out.
But just appreciate everybody here and appreciate Brandon and your wife, you know, offering another perspective also just within your business in Indiana. But we're still on the same industry and we're trying to figure this out together. Right. And just so we're, you're in construction or We're in construction and just, but we're still trying to figure out how to bring in labor to things. And so, it was just good to come here and talk to others, um, that are, that are navigating through the same thing and talk to your entire team really learned a lot. It was, uh, certainly we had a lot of fun, but we learned a lot about how to get through what we're, what we're doing, you know, um, whether it be an H-2B visa, how and when to process that, an H-2A Visa, how to work through the agricultural side, how to process green cards and TN visas and more educated, specific individuals to lead teams. Um, just Corey and I learned a lot, whether we were break off on walking down the, walking down the road at Trey and just having a sidebar conversation playing cards with Drew and, and Kyle, you know, just having a conversation about that and just we're always.
The topics obviously are always coming up. We're having fun, but, um, it was super educational and really able to take a lot back to our teams back home. Uh, that's just been a, been a blast and just knowing that the benefit that we can keep progressing and working through, working through these things. So, thank you guys for doing that.
Um, yeah, I've been a, of course, been a great time and, uh, we're learning a lot. definitely. Hopefully, uh, gonna bring, bring some more guys over and, and keep, keep working. Yeah. I think we'll be able to keep bringing guys over. That is, yeah. I'd appreciate that. So, I have always wanted to smoke cigars while doing the podcast, but for some reason our office building hates it and so we can't, and so, and then Drew refuses to have the podcast in the bathroom where we could get away with it and it's, it's terrible.
She didn't want to have to cut out all the flushing. I.
Kyle, I didn't realize. I mean, if we're just talking sheer percentage, how much better of a shot your wife is than you, dude. I didn't know it either., oh my God, she always said that, but she was full right away this morning.
That thing didn't even clear the trees and it was coming down. I, I didn't even put the gun up to my shoulder and the ball, the bird was falling.
And I look at her and I go, oh, we're playing like that, huh. Okay.
Sounds good., you're serious about this. I mean, while you were trying to figure out how to get your shotgun off safe, she was dropping birds left and right. I don't know how that, I, I don't know how that worked either. You know what the problem was?
She stole my gun, which is her gun. Yeah.
What have, you know, just how many years have you guys been doing this Labor Summit that, uh, we're here at. What's your vision with it and how do you want to see this going forward?
This is the first year, uh, so we did a, another Labor Summit earlier this year. I think that what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be doing several of 'em a year.
I mean, I, I, to me it's a lot of fun cuz you know, I've been working for y'all for years and, uh, I had never met y'all in person., which is so weird. Of course, I recognize you. The second I saw you, I'm like, oh, that's the Zoom guy., that's the, the tall Zoom guy and the not quite as tall Zoom guy. But, uh, and so I, I like it.
But, so, you know, my, my vision is really just getting to, to hang out with our clients, getting to know 'em. Uh, but, and I, I do find it tremendous amount of value in that. Like I, having a, just a relationship with people. That's one of our, we're one of our core values is we're relationship. Uh, and that's what fueled this was being relationship driven.
Whenever we get new clients, we want to have relationships with them. Whenever we have clients we've had for years, we wanna have relationships with them. When we have referral sources, we wanna have relationships with them. And so basically my goal, uh, through this is to be able to write off a lot of clay shooting.
That's pretty much, that's actually all I'm actually after.
I, no, I, I, yeah. I think that that didn't help, but the worst part was when I took his money from sporting plays. I think next time I invite Jared, I'm gonna tell him to bring more cash. Yeah. Yeah. I know he's gonna have a hard time going home and explain how he lost money on a free trip. I don't know why that works.
It's been a, it's been a great trip though. It's, um, We, we got the invitation to the first one and regrettably, I, I was unable to make it due to prior obligations, but I, I think anybody, if you're getting those invitations and you're on the fence, Um, especially if you're working with Edwin, you know, you've gotta come meet this guy and he's just a real, his heart's in a great place and you gotta watch him shoot clays too, because he puts on a show like he won't see.
What kinda show, what specifically what kind show did he, it is specifically the kind of show you gotta come out here to see.
We can't give that secret away. That's true. What happens at the Labor Summit stays at the Labor Summit. You know, I was, I was skeptical of it just cause uh, in agriculture I'm not used to firm, um, having this type of thing and I was like, wow, they just want me, we're gonna go and, and doing some hunting is on the agenda and they got a poker night and it just seemed too good to be true.
So, we were definitely skeptical, but it, it has been a great trip and, and it definitely does show. Um, when Kyle says that he values that relationship with his clients, uh, he doesn't just say it, but he does mean it because I can assure you, um, it, it's not a, a cheap thing to come out here, but it, what he is doing is he, he's investing in that relationship that he builds.
And I know the company that I work for, we value that a lot as well. And it's clear that Jared and Corey do with, with what they do at Summit as well. But, um, it's been great getting to know the guys. Regardless of the product they're selling, you wanna make sure that you also agree with the type of people that you're working with in the, in this day and age.
And, and I think we've definitely seen that and it's gonna be a great experience. And, and I'm already wondering who I, who I bring with you on the next one they have if I'm invited, but oh, you'll be invited.
You'll be invited. I can ensure you that, uh, if we could put more stuff on the agenda, even if we don't do it on the, uh, specifics.
My wife was skeptical. I took, I showed her the agenda and she's like, well, I just, I don't see a lot of content there. And that is like, I know, and exactly, it just sounds too fun. I don't know if I can trust this, but like they said, the one-off conversations you have while doing these activities, you get to know 'em, you get comfortable, and then you can really talk to 'em and say, we wanna do this thing.
We wanna do it the right way. We're gonna do it out in front. We're going to, we're gonna do it the way that, that the, um, the laws enable. And Kyle and his team really know how to do those type of things. And, and getting to see how that works is, is incredibly beneficial to coming. So, I, I may have to argue with my wife a little bit, but like one of the upper managements, um, told me before coming out here, he said, it's a networking event.
You're gonna go out there, you're going to, you're gonna get to know him and you're gonna see isn't the kind of person you wanna do business with. And, and that's exactly what it is. And if you're on the fence, I just. I really think that it would be a great opportunity and I would encourage you to attend.
Yeah. Yeah. That was, uh, appreciate that reason having, I told Corey the same thing when we come here, like, we, we got a lot to learn when we're here. I know we're gonna have some fun. We got a lot to learn when we're, when we're there. And you're, you're exactly right, Brandon. Um, just sitting by the pool today with, with a couple guys, it was having those conversations about this, I learned something.
Didn't even come up in any and one of our sessions. But we got into a, got into another little discussion about, um, another process that we haven't really thought of. Corey brought it up and we dug down into that rabbit hole and found out some things, learned some things. I walked outta the pool and I said, Corey, that's what we're gonna do, you know?
And it was like one more thing that was not a, um, organized session right, that we were having about a specific topic, but it was. with your team talking about things and learning about something that I had no idea about otherwise. And yeah, walking outta there and taking that back, back home to our team and, and, uh, can improve upon that within our business and with the, the rate that some of this stuff changes.
Um, you as a senior in high school back in 2008, and it seems like it was recent, but it really wasn't, but we had these little quotes and I remember the quote with mine was, don't follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a. and I feel like with some of these different things that that's kind of what we're doing, right?
Yeah. You guys maybe set up everybody, the pool, and you don't exactly have a well beaten path. You're just trotting down that some other company is carved out. You're, your kind of having to see with the assistance of farmer law, um, how do we, how do we get to our destination? In, in a way that is compliant.
But, you know, it's not well, well written how to do that. And you've gotta, you've gotta navigate those waters and it's great having helped to navigate for the record, Brandon, I hope I get invited back also. Oh, y'all, y'all, y'all both come back. Well, uh, we'll bring some people with us. Yeah. Just bring more money.
We grow this thing enough and yeah. We, as paid speakers and tell 'em, hey, we'll be on the panel.
Yeah, yeah. I'll take the same deal as this year, any year.
Yeah. No, we need to, we need to kill bigger animals next time. Those, those chickens were just too easy to shoot. You know, at least for Natalie, I kept missing all the bastards.
Yeah, that's right. That's pheasants. You know, it's, uh, not literal chickens. Not, not literal chickens. For the record, stay tuned for part two next week. Thank you all for listening to the Immigration Guide Podcast. We really appreciate it. You can find us on our website. Go to www.farmerlawpc.com. You can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Just search at Kyle Farmer, FLPC. Uh, you can find our law firm on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. All you could do is search for a Farmer Law PC. Go ahead and subscribe to download all the episodes of our podcast. You can download 'em and listen to item whenever, wherever you. Uh, we'll be releasing new episodes every Wednesday on Spotify, Apple Music, Stitcher, which is apparently a real thing.
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Thank you.